Tuesday, April 29, 2008

I want a pair of sexy, RED shoes!

Ok, I keep seeing red shoes and I must say, I do want to get a pair! I've been feeling like I have been coasting for the last week and it's time to grab the gearshift and switch gears! So today I decided to set new goals and deadlines and take a different look at myself. Luckily for me I have a big floor mirror at the end of living room (helps me to see into the living room while I am in the kitchen....gotta watch the kidlets) that reminds me to keep working out, that surprises me when my body gets more toned and defined, and all I can see is from the neck down hahahah! But not just physically, I want to be a better and more tolerant mom. I want to experience the state of peace and the state of passion (no apathy) more in my life. I want to be rational, yet compassionate in my dealings with others, and more.
So I started off the morning by printing off a food diary page and tracking what I am eating and the calories. I then went back and recalculated how many calories I really should be taking in. Now to set some goals.

Plan out meals for the week so I have a better idea of the calories I am taking in.
Keep challenging myself in my workouts.
Start doing alterations to the clothes I want to keep.
Get my clothes out of storage and sort them out.
Meditate more consistently - I was getting better sleep when I was consistent in meditating.
Learn from those who live/lived the way I want to be.
Study for my learner's permit.
Start shoe shopping. Flip flops are not sexy, especially with no beach near by.
Continue to grow in being a positive example for my sons.
Keep people updated with my goals and progress.

Starting as soon as possible. I'll keep you posted. ;)

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