Thursday, January 29, 2009

This morning I was draggin' my set plan in mind for working out as my mind has been focused elsewhere. Then I stopped myself in my own tracks and went to it. I cranked it and as I was doing my intervals and listening to the songs on my page and looking at the pics as I was going I realized that my 2008 self would kick my 2009 self in the butt when it comes to working out and enjoying the challenge it brings.

I realized that I am my OWN motivation! Not wanting to let the best version of me down when I approach anything in life. Last year was no excuses when it comes to working out and this morning I gave it a go in honour of the self that brought me to this point in the first place. I will live the example that I want in my life and that I have in my life and I will honour those who have helped me to this point and pay it forward.

After 13 years of putting off getting my learner's permit I finally hit that goal and got it yesterday (with my kids in tow and fighting while I wrote the knowledge test HAHA). I would not trade those 13 years for anything or the experience of bringing my kids to a moment in my life that would bring another example of going after what you need or want regardless of the situation. So no more slack for me.....I have people watching and waiting for me to succeed.

John 5:1-8

Tags: do, it, motivation, workout

Friday, January 23, 2009

What am I not doing that I said I would?

I said I would buy them if they went on sale. Did they go on sale? Yup! Did I buy them? Yup! BUT, and here's the fun part, it was a close call. There was only one pair available in the size I wanted. There is another pair of boots that I would love to have as well and they are not available in store and have NOT gone on sale. But I would love to have those boots. I realized that I set a condition on me having it. I have set conditions on having what I really want. Sometimes that is a good thing if you have issues with self-control. However, sometimes it can hold you back from having what you really want or NEED. I set the responsibility of me having a GOOD pair of leather boots that will last (instead of the pleather version I use a permanent marker on to keep the heel black) on something arbitrary.....something random and out of my control. Instead I could have planned to have available the funds to purchase both pair as needed and benefit from the occurrence of them going on sale.
What else have I chosen to put out of reach or out of my control that I wanted or needed? How are my workouts going? How is my nutrition going? Am I planning meals based on what I have or have I developed a "taste" for something that is not available or unsupportive? Am I even planning meals or am I leaving it to last minute? Am I eating 5 to 6 times a day or 5 to 6 times in the morning? With the knowledge of knowing to have a balanced meal (i.e. lean protein with carbohydrate) am I just eating a bowl of fruit to itself or did I add some yogurt or almonds to it? Have I gotten my driver's permit yet? How are my relationships with others or have I set conditions in those relationships? The list of questions can go on.

To answer my own questions.....My workouts have been on hold due to illness and lack of sleep. How can I change this? Ride the wave. Illness is a part of life and being a mom is a part of who I am. I have added little things into my day to keep active such as carrying my 3 year old through the snow as we walk my older son to the school bus in the morning (OUCH!), I have gone out and walked each day, I push my times close so I am forced to add some running into my travel plans (intervals to catch the bus). I add challenge to my daily activities. I'm not completely wiped of energy, but I know that my breathing is not where I would like it at to be for completing a good FYM workout.
My nutrition? Not bad. Currently I have turned to dark chocolate chips more times than needed and I could include more veggies into my diet. How can I improve it? Drink more water, add more veggies instead of chocolate LOL and do more food prep. The food is there, I just need to prep it.How's my meal planning? I have decided to write down a recipe a day for dinner, so I know what I need and I have mental prep on hand before I even get to that day. Now I have deviated and cooked something else, however, I did cook and that is an improvement. I need to get my driver's permit and my relationships are growing deeper......still moving forward and that is good =D.

I heard mentioned that part of the reason for low self-esteem is that we have gone back on what we said we would do......thus setting ourselves up not to be trusted by others or ourselves. I don't want to get caught up in breaking myself down by not following through with what I said I would do. Why not be a woman of my word (as my name and life has called me to)?

As nice as it is to be a part of the NYTC which can help me to set goals to achieve and to be accountable, in the end I need to ask myself these questions and hold myself accountable for my own actions and achievements. I am responsible for my OWN outcome in every situation that I am involved in. If I want a life of success and accomplishment for me AND for my family, then I need to live it!

Talk about finding the right pair of boots (to kick myself in the butt with) HAHA!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Missed my workout, but gained inspiration

I was hyped to keep on the pace of muscle awareness and cranking it in my first week of the NYTC. I was seeing results almost immediately and it made me laugh I was so surprised. Even with a few days before my monthly visit, I feel like I am looking great. SO how did I miss my workout? Well, let me share.....

After returning from Jamaica just 2 weeks ago, it's still a bit of an adjustment coming back to a space that really isn't yours in your heart anymore. For those that don't know, we are in the process of selling and the longer we stay the more detached we seem to be getting from this place and more anxious to get into something we can SETTLE into. Also after our return our sleep was in adjustment mode and we were not feeling the best......due to detoxing our systems and returning to a more healthful way of eating (and potentially returning to not-so-fresh air in our house as opposed to the mountain breeze we awoke to each day while in Jamaica). After almost returning back to a "schedule" my DH was assigned a night shift that started Sunday night of this week and to last the whole week (hopefully). I have trouble sleeping when I know he is out at night. I made the most of it for the first few days and got in my workout, but now my baby is ill (joy of playing with sick friends) and has been having issues breathing at night. I had him in with me in bed and could hear him closing up =(. I gave up on getting in my workout to be an attentive mom, and that choice is always a good one. The good news.....I get to cuddle up with my baby and make sure he is ok. The better news....I have been getting in some quality time with my boys and my friends and their friends too. HEHE. And with being on a denim mission this week, I have also been able to find the pair of jeans that have haunted me since trying them on in October, and they were labelled a size 3 LOL (I made the lady call the entire city for them and the one store she couldn't get through with I called the next day and they had ONE pair and in that size......what can I say!?). There were also another pair of skinny jeans (and I mean SKINNY) that I tried on and they were a size 7, so not to be deceived by the number. In the process of hunting down the haunting jeans I discovered a denim sale....$5 a pair! YEAH!! Now that beat my lowest purchase price for denim at $7. HAD to return to the was a must!! I knew that I would have to find SOMETHING there! Especially since I was down to 3 pair that fit.....soon to be 2 pair.

So I set out on a trek across the city (got a ride to the mall that had the store) and planned to return by bus. Not only was I able to stock up, but also I found something for my friend and she looked GOOD in them (SUPER encouraging!). Now for the inspiration part. BWAHAHA.... Pushing a stroller through slushy snow on a warmer day after we have had 3 days of continuous snow is comparable to carrying water in a 5 gallon pail up a 45 degree angle slope. Can we say WORKOUT?!?! UGH! SO 3 hours later we returned to our home point (usually an hour and half trip) and my legs (my quads I think.....jello moment here) are tingling, my triceps may be burning (can't tell....let's just say I think they hurt), and my inner thighs are tight. Struggling with a stroller not made for the snow AND with a wheel that only want to go in circles was not my best move and I won't be considering it again anytime soon LOL. SO even though it wasn't an FYM workout, it was a mommy workout and I count it as DONE!

P.S. Thought I would also share the poster I saw while shopping and it sums up my day real well. Keep on trekkin' ladies! It can be tough out there =D.

Tags: awareness, children, mom, muscle, priority, sale, shopping, stroller, workout

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

09 NYTC Starting stats

Name: Elisa Sterling-Cowan Age: 33
Weight: 145 lbs
Height: 5'5" to 5'6"
Arms: 11"
Chest (above breast): 33"
Chest (under breast): 31"
Waist: 29"
Abdomen: 30.5"
Hips: 36"
Thighs: 21 1/2"
Calves: 15"

My Goal: To hit it with intensity and focus. I want to set the foundation of success and accomplishment to jump off in other areas of my life. I want to increase my strength using pullups and my 3 year old as a guide (how long/far I can carry him) . I want get back to my nutritional convictions. Over the last few months I have made best scenario choices and I would prefer to just eat as I would like to nourish my body best (if that makes sense). As much as I want to plan my meals, I will have to gauge that with other priorities in my life, but I will try new recipes and set a schedule for the times that we will be eating through the day and will aim to cook dinner by lunch time and maximize when I am most energetic in the day. I want to tackle what I have been putting off and be a woman of action and get back to perseverance and discipline.
I recently had a conversation with my DH and I realized it is VERY important to be interested in the people you surround yourself with. To know the details of what makes them tick, to understand what makes them tick, and to know about their dreams, passions, likes, dislikes and what makes them smile.

My children seek to know me. I am humbled and brought to tears about how much my children have CHOSEN to know about me. They are 3 and 5!! They know what I eat and do not eat, they know that I love to dance and play sports, they know my favorite color and the foods I love. They know my values.....that I believe in being kind and loving, protective and nurturing, wiping tears from their faces when they cry. They wipe my tears, they dance with me, they offer to cook me dinner (HAHA), and they strive to make me happy. Their example of love in my life has set a new standard for me and for those around me.

So I wrote a blog on my blog page about who I am as a person describing the things I do, feel, and love. I wrote it as though I was standing beside myself and sharing about me to someone else who I would want to know me.

Of recent, I have been reading and realizing that to really know someone is to love someone. So, I just wanted to share that I know and love many of you here. I am interested in your lives, your likes and dislikes. I have compassion for the struggles you experience and I wanted to thank you for allowing me to grow as a person from the inside out.

Thank you=D.


Friday, January 2, 2009

Fit for Function....reflections on my trip to Jamaica

I have returned from my 3-week trip to Jamaica and I really enjoyed the experience. In the first week, I came to realize that even though I wanted to return to Jamaica a lot sooner (last time was 2001), now was the best time to have gone. I was not struggling with my thyroid as I was before which posed a lot of issues and with all the improvements, discoveries and changes to my health and lifestyle, I didn't struggle as I could have.
My belief, faith, and commitment to God was strengthened and enriched as I turned to God and the bible to help me cope with dealing with family, the barrage of advances, the threat of violence and danger, and a lot of sexual focus. It can be overwhelming for some (as it was for a close friend of mine a few years ago), so it is good to have a strong foundation to come from if you venture outside of the resort experience. Also since it was Christmas time, my family and I grew in our knowledge base that surrounds the traditional time of year and were able to make our own choices regarding the celebration (including my children).

Positivity and gratitude helped with dreams, vision, and hope makes every moment more enjoyable. From the flowers, bugs, stray dogs, hens and roosters all over, many trees and plants that are good for food and healing, the breezes, and the views....there was a lot to enjoy if you look at it in the right way.

Both sides of my family live towards the top of the hill (one on the edge of the mountain range and the just beyond the view of the ocean) and being that the roads were not in the best condition after the hurricane season, there was quite the hike involved in going anywhere. 45 degree steep roads were challenging, especially when carrying a bucket of water or a 3 year old toddler. Having been prepared for such tasks through my interval and resistance training made me excited as I was not only able to handle the task,but the hills were my favorite interval high point.

If you are a FIT yummy mummy and are in love with your workout and challenging intervals, than life on the rougher side of things, although not convenient, would still be manageable for a time. Everyday offered some form of physical challenge and I am glad that I prepared for it this year in comparison to the last few years where I was still recovery physically. It was only just over a year ago I regained my level of mobility to walk for a length of time without pain and being that we walked for hours up and down hills and roads, I was again grateful for all the events and training this year have prepared me for.

Although the physical challenge was fun, the diet was a bit wanting for improvement and all based on the fact that I was not able to get to where I needed to get what I wanted (hard to pick fruit of the top of a tree that you can't climb). But being on kitchen duty had me making the most of what was available (how many ways can you cook chicken and rice?).

(looking not so yummy in this pic HAHA).
Lots seen, a lot experienced, and I know, that my lifestyle is to stay fit so that I can function and make the most of my environment no matter where I go.