Sunday, April 6, 2008

I must say that last week was a big low point for me in almost all areas (so I thought). I was ill, stressed, drained emotionally and physically and had extra kids in my house all week. My youngest was sick with fever and didn't sleep during the night. So with no sleep and mo' stress, I chose not to do my workouts. And to make it better, I baked cookies and muffins (they were healthy and yummy). Yesterday I vegged out and reflected on the week I had. The advantage was that I wanted to make sure I set an example for the kids, so there was no over-indulging (well, yesterday I had 3 or 4 teaspoons of honey....and enjoyed it). And it was easier to serve up a plate of veggies than to grab and clean up after cookies. But today, we are rested, healthier, had my workout and a good breakfast. I am glad that I had the experience of last week as I am able to set new standards and boundaries and add the new recipes I tried to my collection =D. I also helped to influence a young girl to eat more vegetables (even broccoli ......raw).

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