Friday, July 18, 2008

Potty training and supportive eating

Do you remember the last time you wet yourself? I'm serious! After the fun of pregnancy (what a laughable thing to share with other pregnant women) and with the pleasant side effect that comes after delivery, for some, the memory might be closer than others. A comment Holly left on a post just recently about challenging herself to eat clean for as many consecutive days as possible came back to mind and triggered a connection when I gave a "high-five" to my youngest son for only having one accident the other day. Eventually (hopefully soon) he will be into the cloth undies and out of diapers. Soon he will be using the potty/toilet on a regular basis and it will become second nature to him, but until then we will now celebrate every time he chooses to listen to the cues his body tells him and uses the potty. We will also celebrate going through the day with fewer accidents than the day before.

My journey to cleaner, helathful, supportive eating has been a steady progression, improving with each meal I choose to eat. The potential to gauge success in this area is HUGE. 5 times a day at least! So many opportunities to celebrate success. LOL and to be rewarded with healthy, delicious food (if you are into that "reward" thing......I know I am!) I reward my healthy choices with happiness, satisfaction, and more healthy choices, and in turn, I am rewarded with the ability to move (as I could barely walk before) and do things, loads of energy, and enjoying the time spent in the company of my active children even more. Now, if I have an "accident" in the way I choose to eat, I just choose to do better for next time. I don't get any rewards out of it, so it's not something I would want to continue in on a regular basis. At this point of where I am at, I may not be fully "trained", but I know I'm "wearing the cloth undies" more often than not, and that gets a "high-five" in my book.

Tags: eating, improve, supportive, training

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