Friday, July 25, 2008

How do you make smores healthy? Don't eat them HAHA

We are going camping this weekend and as promised (from over 2 years ago), we will have marshmallows when we go camping. My hubby bought loads of chocolate and he is looking forward to smores. Again, I am grateful for my allergies and health restrictions as I can't do graham crackers due to being celiac, and I can't go heavy on the chocolate since it's high in copper and oxalic acid which trigger a whole mess of complications for me, including a hyperactive thyroid. I am planning on having granola on hand (WOOHOO.....I just had an A-HA moment)

Ok lemme share the idea, but keep in mind this is a TOTAL CHEAT ITEM, and will not support the goals of a fat loss program. I was going to bake some of my cookies (heavy in protein and fiber) so the boys could have smores too, BUT what I can do instead for them is to take the roasted marshmallow (ok, the ingredients of marshmallows now are just so unappetizing) and then roll it in some hemp granola and pure dark chocolate they get the appeal and flavours of smores, but they don't have to suffer with eating wheat (as it tears them up ....we suspect they are also celiac). I bought a SMALL bag of marshmallows as I know my hubby would just cook smores the whole weekend long, so it will be a limited experience and the kids won't have too many since they can't handle sugar (woohoo for clean eating). I just had a small amount of granola (1/2 a handful and it's too much for me, so I know that I will be able to maintain a pretty supportive diet while out in the bush (almonds, dried fruit, apples, bananas, oatmeal, roasted chicken, broccoli, snap peas, carrots, sweet potatoes, tortilla chips...that pretty much it.....and plenty of water).

So here is to surviving! Living on the basics.

OH and next week I will post how it goes as I prepare for our trip across the country for 2 that will be more a challenge than being out in the bush HHAHAHA.....gotta love in-laws.

Tags: cheats, eating, supportive


Eye on the prize said...

Comment by Linda on July 25, 2008 at 12:55pm
Delete Comment Elisa, you crack me up! Especially your very last phrase :p

I'm sure you'll do well both in the bush and across the country! You are always on track it seems, and if you sway just a little bit, you get right back on!

Eye on the prize said...

Yvette Comment by Yvette on July 25, 2008 at 1:49pm
Delete Comment you make me laugh! ok, i'm dreaming of s'mores now. i ate one every day when my family was here (microwaved - nice touch?) and felt the results (and saw them too.) yuck!

aren't you just a rock star for adapting and making things work in the best way for you and your family??? way to go!

let us know how it goes! good luck on the trip.

are you going x country with the in laws? what the?? couldn't do it, baby! hope it's going better with her anyway. mil's are an interesting breed. just think: one day we will be one! ugh!

Eye on the prize said...

Comment by Elisa on July 25, 2008 at 3:24pm
Delete Comment Am I doing WHAT!?! No way! They live in eastern Canada and we are in the prairies (we'll be flying). I would probably NOT travel for a long distance like that with my in-laws. As much as I love them and they are dear folks, our lifestyles are VERY different and I already stand apart from them physically, let alone with my diet.....but then the conversations.....yeah, no! Yvette you are TOO funny......I understand the microwaving of marshmallows was so fun to watch them swell and then get gooey so quick when you take them out.
At least I must admit, I will be encouraged to be active and eat well while I visit with them as I am not going to do what I did the last time I was there (gain 40 lbs.), and that will be as sweet as tea for me.
My MIL loves me, but I know she can only handle so much of me as our mindsets are quite different, and I respect that. She'll LOVE me even more now that my mindset is that much stronger......I plan on taking a silent approach as much as possible heheh.
Anyways, off to pack up the last bits and then we are OFF. Have a great weekend!