Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Nice response Jennifer.
I too am into the full fat foods as I had my cholesterol checked in December and my cholesterol and especially my good fats were really low to me, so since then it's been full fat for me and my kids (in moderation of course =D).
I have been struggling with the concept of breakfast for just over 10 years since I discovered I was allergic to eggs, but I can't do without eating breakfast as it was the only MEAL I really had until dinner and I feel severe pain if I forget to eat it. I am not used to eating a traditional lunch since I used to have a "dinner" for lunch and a "snack" for dinner and be in bed by 7:30pm. And sometimes I would eat leftovers or what I didn't finish from dinner for breakfast. But my energy has shifted to being more consistent throughout the day (and there is less damage control), so now I am eating a different balance of meals throughout the day.
I guess my point is that I get about half of my days calories at the first part of my day.....before lunch. Depending on how early I wake up, I have breakfast and 2 snacks before lunch (it used to be snack, breakfast, snack, but now it's breakfast, post workout drink, snack). I have always taken a nap in the afternoon (or a mental zone out when I was working outside of the house hahah), so a light snack and small dinner seems to do well. If I feel hungry before I head to bed, I have a couple almonds and some water and then hit the sack.
Also upping my water intake to about 5 pints (10 cups, 2.5 L) a day has helped with feeling full as well. If I don't have enough, I feel hungry. So I drink a pint first and if I am still hungry then I have a little something. OH, also I notice that if I am up past my bed time or I am pushing with little sleep, I eat a whole lot more. So I try and stick to my bed time or sleep when I am tired, and if I have plans for a late night, I try and take a nap beforehand.

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