Saturday, June 28, 2008

Starting my new goals......

Ok, being that Kathleen's most recent post sparked my mind going on affirmations I figured I would post them here along with my new goals.

I WILL chose to use positive and affirming speech when I speak of myself and the things I do. If I want to change them I will speak as though I am already doing the changed behaviour and making the choices I want to be making.
I DO eat supportively and feed my body and muscles the nutrients they need to grow and thrive.
I DO feed my body about every 3 hours, 5 times a day to maintain my metabolism.
I DO love the challenge of working out, exercise and being active.
I DO work out consistently.
I LOVE getting out of my chair and dancing, playing with my boys and enjoying activities outdoors.
I DO buy and keep supportive food and choices in my fridge and pantry.
I WILL make supportive foods as convienent, go-to foods in my house.
I WILL continue to reduce the fat on my body and get a lean, toned body.
I DO drink lots of water to encourage my body to feel and look good.
I AM continually planning for the foods and meals I will eat during the week.
I DO listen and follow the POSITIVE thinking that is in my OWN head.
I AM a positive thinker and person.

My goal is: Continued Fit Yummy Mummy-ness. I also want to increase my strength and meet the challenge of doing pull ups in August (with my fit little sister). (And add in a BIG goal of modeling with my boys included.......Dax 100 style, baby.....big goals!)

My reason for this goal: I want to tighten up my lose skin and continue to get toned. I also love being strong and if I am going to have muscles, they better be doing the work too. I have also noticed it is easier to do housework, clean, carry grocery baskets, and catch and protect my kids and I want to improve on this standard of living. (as for the modeling, I think it would be fun and I would love to try it out)

Steps I will take: Workout consistenly with added strength component (do chin ups, negative pull ups, etc). Get heavier weights. I already put in my request with the hubby hehe. Eat more supportively on a consistent basis by stepping up the level I currently plan meals with. Pick out recipes at the beginning of the week for dinner and cook up a little extra so it is ready to go for lunches during the week. Look into more breakfast ideas that work for me and the boys that add variety and provide a good, balanced start to the day. Also, keep a conscious eye on when and what I am putting into my mouth at meal times to make sure I am getting the variety I need for a balanced diet. (As for modeling, continue to find an agency to represent that is not charging fees, etc before we begin. My friends who models say they put NO money into it and everything was paid for by the company).

Potential obstacles: Lack of sleep, increased stress, over exposure to toxins and allergens that cause downtime, lack of focus.

Solutions to obstacles: Enforce bedtime to be no later than 9:30pm and if it does run over, make sure to get a nap the following day. Meditate and keep a positive perspective in times of stress. Also maintaining supportive nutrition and exercise will help to keep me happy. Avoid situations of high fragrance and get out of our condo as often as possible. Continue to get a fresh air flow throughout and keep moving. Stay aware of my eating choices and set my priorities each day so I get done what needs to get done.

Who will help me: My FYM friends, my boys, my sister, my mom, my hubby and friends. Full support enrollment. I will involve all in my plans as we eat and are active together on a constant basis.

When I'll start: Today. Nutrition is an easy start point and I can start as soon as my next meal. My next workout I will try out the negative pull up and a few chin ups.

When I'll meet my goal: I want to meet the challenge of doing a pull up by end of August.

How I'll reward myself for making progress toward my goal: SMILE! And enjoy the moment of acknowledgement. And maybe some shopping hehehe.

Tags: challenge, goals

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