Wednesday, June 25, 2008

You just gotta love where you are at as you look to the future

This was inspired by another post, but is also for me to document where I have come from and how happy I was at any size. Each time I look back on these pictures I see that I truly enjoyed where I was at, but still wanted to get back to a healthy weight for me and my kids. I must say, when I was a larger size, I really enjoyed my bosom and booty. It was so different for me to have curves and I worked with it. It was fun! Now of course, I had my moments of displeasure, but on the most part I was just glad to be alive.

This was me 2 years ago to the date. I was at 200lbs and still not quite able to work out due to continued tearing that I was experiencing. I was still nursing as well. Not my most favorite picture(the first one), but just wait, there is more.

This is me a month later. Same size/weight, but I was happy. I started shopping more for my size and buying clothes to compliment my current figure and forecast into the future for the size I would be.

But my LEAST favorite picture was from last year this time. A friend was visiting from the other side of the country and it was after I made the commitment to lose the weight now that I was able. I had lost 14 lbs and was at 186lbs, but my skin and clothes were loose and the picture she took of me convinced me that she would NEVER get another shot like that in again. Even better yet, she posted it on facebook and tagged it. So it's out there for all to see hehehe.

I have had pictures where I get caught with my mouth full of food, in the middle of talking and looking like a donkey, but this picture was so strange to me (the perspective is skewed and my friend to the right is around 5'9 - 10" and she looks shorter than me) based on how big I looked. So I change my hair, never really wore that top again hehehe and of course, got down to business with my nutrition, portion size, and workouts.
So this Friday is date night and I will be posting the red shoes with the black dress picture and in a month I will post (with Rachel and others) swim suit pics and in that time my friend will be visiting again and I will get an updated friend photo as well. So here is to capturing the moment. SMILE!

Tags: confident, content, happy, motivated, pictures

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