Sunday, May 11, 2008

First of all I wanted to say Happy Mother's day to all this morning. Some mothers may have continued on with their routines as usual, some may be get treated to a fancy breakfast and special gifts and some may have taken a mental long weekend and taken care of themselves (that is what I am doing). All the same, it's a day (or a weekend) where mothers get acknowledged, especially when at times we may feel our efforts go without appreciation. Thank you to women and the mothers who have given their support to not only their families, but to the women here as well.

Today is also my goal day for when I wanted to be back to about the same weight and size as I was 4 years ago. A month ago I post a blog GOAL!!!!! with a photo of me 4 years ago on Mother's day. Today I will take a picture of me and my men with a proud face. Although I have lost weight this month, I have also been exposed to quite a number of toxins and my body is responding accordingly. But great news, I have lost inches and am down to the size I was 4 years ago. I don't have the clothes that I had on in the picture anymore (well not the pants and I think the shirt is still in storage and I will be checking this week), but I look great and feel good too.

My immune system is stronger and I don't get the violent asthma attacks and severe body pain I used to in response to perfumes and mold toxins. I have my stamina back and can dance for hours and I can even maintain a good sprint with my boys packed in the stroller while we are trying to catch the bus =D (and they are a lot bigger and heavier now). I have a lot more energy and the physical strength to keep up with and protect my boys.

I am thankful to Holly for providing me with the information that has been a springboard and catalyst for my improved health. The supportive nutrition really gave me the visual I could work with the body I have and treat it as a friend and not an enemy. I wouldn't give my friend something they were allergic to or would make them feel ill. Would I? (Not to say I would poison my enemy either......but what was I really doing to my body?) Me and my body became friends, working together and supporting each other to get towards a common goal, my health. I love being on this journey and I also love supporting others in theirs as well. This group has been so helpful to me and the reward has been priceless.

Well off to go make watermelon salad for a brunch at my friends house. Have a great day everyone!

Here's the picture we took on Mother's day.

Tags: gain, goal, mothers, results, support

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