Wednesday, October 29, 2008

And I just want to cry. Sometimes a compassionate hug is all we need as the constant waiting in life picks away at our "need-to-know" instinct.

My health has been deteriorating and I just want to run somewhere. I know it is best that I don't exactly know what is going on (although I know my asthma is being trigger by the "fun" mold issue.....HAHAHA....) as I am not sure how I would handle it. I'm more and more fatigued, and my doctor called back after having my ultrasound and now she is booking me for a biopsy (ever have that feeling someone is not telling you all that they know.....again,do I need to know what she knows right now?...probably not!). I know that I turn to eating when I am physically tired, or I haven't been at the top of my game since I came off the ED. Actually HAHAHA, I find it funny that since I have little energy to prep, I have resorted to snacking on the not-so-supportive (hahah chocolate......that's all I can say) which doesn't help me to maintain energy....vicious cycle. Hopefully today, I will just walk over to the grocery store and grab some quick snacks to save me from falling into the pitfall of that time of the month and also help me to get back on track.

But besides all the issues, I am comforted by knowing that my boys are excited by their new closet and they can see their clothes again and get dressed by themselves again (they LOVE clothes) for a time. And that things look hopeful that change is in the near future.

Now to go and get those snacks =D.


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