Sunday, November 2, 2008

Ok Ok.....Time to GET back on track

LOL, so if my waning health wasn't motivating enough, or that it's the first crank week I haven't fully "cranked" it (crank week is that time of the month for me), we just finished booking a Christmas vacation to Jamaica (mainly as a working vacation to help repair damage after the passing of the hurricane) and my hubby is determined to be on the beach at least a couple times while we are down there.

SO, with Halloween and birthday splurges coming to an end, it IS time to regain my focus and continue with doing the full workouts and eating supportively.
Now since my computer was packed up a month ago and my office stuff, I have been without the trusty FYM e-book at ready access since we are operating from our laptop atm (the spacebar on this thing is frustrating to say the least....). But I have been doing squats and pushups, planks and side planks with leg lifts and lots of walking. SO I have managed to maintain, but in the end, it's not what I am happy with. Being that my bosom has gone off to another dimension, it makes no sense not to strive for a flat tummy to balance my figure out. LOL the idea of having a gut and no chest is so NOT feminine, that I am motivated by the potential of that image alone! UGH!!

I am choosing to make use of the resources here on ClubFYM to do my work outs. I was doing the holiday workout to the max before I got the e-book and I know I can enjoy it again. I will keep looking for my little book that has the workouts printed out, but I won't use it as an excuse not to be working out.

Bodyweight circuits would be best to get both strength training and intervals in and get me into the habit of what I will be doing while in Jamaica....I'll be there with my boys and my dad for 3 weeks (My hubby, sister and mom will join us a week later). We are working on a plan of action to accommodate our dietary restrictions as there is no guarantee that we will be able to have what we need on hand to eat when we get there.

My goals? To keep it up. Knowing that I continue to keep working at being healthy, feeling and looking good.
How am I going to do it? Work out 3 times a week using resistance training and intervals. Eat supportive, live food at every meal, and drink at least 5 pints of water a day.
What are my obstacles? LOL, in the end, it's just life. Sometimes you don't get sleep, sometimes you are faced with having to shift your priorities, sometimes you will be tempted to have more of something than you intended, it is ok. How will I deal with these obstacles? I will choose to remember "ME" in the process. And choose to love ME enough to give myself some time to enjoy a vigorous workout for about 15 minutes and enjoy eating food that will give me energy and help me to enjoy the rest of my life around me. When am I going to start? NOW! It is always now! LOL it's a trick question I think. Do I not need a glass of water in the next hour or so? Do I not need to remember me as I go through life? Aren't obstacles always present? Am I not setting into action my thoughts by getting them down in a plan.......The answer is ALWAYS NOW hahah. And how will I reward myself? Enjoying life and living it fully each day (and shopping for new pants and a couple holiday items......of COURSE!)

Here we go!


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