Sunday, September 7, 2008

"I'm Mature and you're not!....Nah nah nah nah nah nah"

I was given a note book with a bunny with his tongue out and that is what it says. I was turned off by it when I read it and realized I am not a fan of taunting. But I have also come to think about and pose the question, "What ever happened to being mature?" Wanting to grow and improve on, and grow past and beyond a way of thinking......on to the next step and next phase. To continue on in development and even as deep as saying to progress with evolution. Now being a bit of a science buff, I constantly think about how we are evolving everyday and with everything we do, feel, think and eat. It affects the generations that are to come. But beyond that, as chivalry faded out with the push for equality, has maturity died off too. Has convenience and comfort taken such a forefront in our society that we never truly grow up? Are the only things that are growing our waistlines and the amounts and upgrades to our "toys"?

When you type a message, do you proofread it or rely on spell check? And when spell check highlights a word do you look through the selection of words or do you read the word and correct it yourself? Granted, I have spell check and I think it is a useful tool, but does it know what it is I really want to say or is it providing suggestions? It's a TOOL! To help make things easier for me, but I am the one that still has to do the thinking and thus put it to use. I need to put the pieces of the puzzle in and create the whole picture. I need to ASK the questions and then SEEK the answers.

I AM A FREE THINKER! I AM a problem solver! I AM a lover of the concept of maturity and I think in the end, beyond all that I do to improve, it is maturity that I seek.

For those of you that have the FYM e-book and have made full use of the resources provided through FYM (e.g. Yummy Mummy Makeover, coaching calls, etc.), you have been growing in your maturity as the challenges are continually presented to you. As questions are asked of you whether or not you have thought of or acted upon something, that is a cue to stop and think, and find the answer. The question is asked and the answer is usually given in return. The answer will come verbally or through blogs expressing how the challenge given has made you think or physically through taking action when it wasn't before.

This is a lifestyle change. A progression on to the next level in fitness, to the next level in health, to the next level in thinking, to the next level in emotional expression, to the next level in responsibility, not just for yourself, but for ALL of those around you. THAT is mature! NAH, NAH, NAH, NAH!

Tags: challenge, grow, think

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