Friday, January 23, 2009

What am I not doing that I said I would?

I said I would buy them if they went on sale. Did they go on sale? Yup! Did I buy them? Yup! BUT, and here's the fun part, it was a close call. There was only one pair available in the size I wanted. There is another pair of boots that I would love to have as well and they are not available in store and have NOT gone on sale. But I would love to have those boots. I realized that I set a condition on me having it. I have set conditions on having what I really want. Sometimes that is a good thing if you have issues with self-control. However, sometimes it can hold you back from having what you really want or NEED. I set the responsibility of me having a GOOD pair of leather boots that will last (instead of the pleather version I use a permanent marker on to keep the heel black) on something arbitrary.....something random and out of my control. Instead I could have planned to have available the funds to purchase both pair as needed and benefit from the occurrence of them going on sale.
What else have I chosen to put out of reach or out of my control that I wanted or needed? How are my workouts going? How is my nutrition going? Am I planning meals based on what I have or have I developed a "taste" for something that is not available or unsupportive? Am I even planning meals or am I leaving it to last minute? Am I eating 5 to 6 times a day or 5 to 6 times in the morning? With the knowledge of knowing to have a balanced meal (i.e. lean protein with carbohydrate) am I just eating a bowl of fruit to itself or did I add some yogurt or almonds to it? Have I gotten my driver's permit yet? How are my relationships with others or have I set conditions in those relationships? The list of questions can go on.

To answer my own questions.....My workouts have been on hold due to illness and lack of sleep. How can I change this? Ride the wave. Illness is a part of life and being a mom is a part of who I am. I have added little things into my day to keep active such as carrying my 3 year old through the snow as we walk my older son to the school bus in the morning (OUCH!), I have gone out and walked each day, I push my times close so I am forced to add some running into my travel plans (intervals to catch the bus). I add challenge to my daily activities. I'm not completely wiped of energy, but I know that my breathing is not where I would like it at to be for completing a good FYM workout.
My nutrition? Not bad. Currently I have turned to dark chocolate chips more times than needed and I could include more veggies into my diet. How can I improve it? Drink more water, add more veggies instead of chocolate LOL and do more food prep. The food is there, I just need to prep it.How's my meal planning? I have decided to write down a recipe a day for dinner, so I know what I need and I have mental prep on hand before I even get to that day. Now I have deviated and cooked something else, however, I did cook and that is an improvement. I need to get my driver's permit and my relationships are growing deeper......still moving forward and that is good =D.

I heard mentioned that part of the reason for low self-esteem is that we have gone back on what we said we would do......thus setting ourselves up not to be trusted by others or ourselves. I don't want to get caught up in breaking myself down by not following through with what I said I would do. Why not be a woman of my word (as my name and life has called me to)?

As nice as it is to be a part of the NYTC which can help me to set goals to achieve and to be accountable, in the end I need to ask myself these questions and hold myself accountable for my own actions and achievements. I am responsible for my OWN outcome in every situation that I am involved in. If I want a life of success and accomplishment for me AND for my family, then I need to live it!

Talk about finding the right pair of boots (to kick myself in the butt with) HAHA!

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