Missed my workout, but gained inspiration

I was hyped to keep on the pace of muscle awareness and cranking it in my first week of the NYTC. I was seeing results almost immediately and it made me laugh I was so surprised. Even with a few days before my monthly visit, I feel like I am looking great. SO how did I miss my workout? Well, let me share.....
After returning from Jamaica just 2 weeks ago, it's still a bit of an adjustment coming back to a space that really isn't yours in your heart anymore. For those that don't know, we are in the process of selling and the longer we stay the more detached we seem to be getting from this place and more anxious to get into something we can SETTLE into. Also after our return our sleep was in adjustment mode and we were not feeling the best......due to detoxing our systems and returning to a more healthful way of eating (and potentially returning to not-so-fresh air in our house as opposed to the mountain breeze we awoke to each day while in Jamaica). After almost returning back to a "schedule" my DH was assigned a night shift that started Sunday night of this week and to last the whole week (hopefully). I have trouble sleeping when I know he is out at night. I made the most of it for the first few days and got in my workout, but now my baby is ill (joy of playing with sick friends) and has been having issues breathing at night. I had him in with me in bed and could hear him closing up =(. I gave up on getting in my workout to be an attentive mom, and that choice is always a good one. The good news.....I get to cuddle up with my baby and make sure he is ok. The better news....I have been getting in some quality time with my boys and my friends and their friends too. HEHE. And with being on a denim mission this week, I have also been able to find the pair of jeans that have haunted me since trying them on in October, and they were labelled a size 3 LOL (I made the lady call the entire city for them and the one store she couldn't get through with I called the next day and they had ONE pair and in that size......what can I say!?). There were also another pair of skinny jeans (and I mean SKINNY) that I tried on and they were a size 7, so not to be deceived by the number. In the process of hunting down the haunting jeans I discovered a denim sale....$5 a pair! YEAH!! Now that beat my lowest purchase price for denim at $7. HAD to return to the scene....it was a must!! I knew that I would have to find SOMETHING there! Especially since I was down to 3 pair that fit.....soon to be 2 pair.
So I set out on a trek across the city (got a ride to the mall that had the store) and planned to return by bus. Not only was I able to stock up, but also I found something for my friend and she looked GOOD in them (SUPER encouraging!). Now for the inspiration part. BWAHAHA.... Pushing a stroller through slushy snow on a warmer day after we have had 3 days of continuous snow is comparable to carrying water in a 5 gallon pail up a 45 degree angle slope. Can we say WORKOUT?!?! UGH! SO 3 hours later we returned to our home point (usually an hour and half trip) and my legs (my quads I think.....jello moment here) are tingling, my triceps may be burning (can't tell....let's just say I think they hurt), and my inner thighs are tight. Struggling with a stroller not made for the snow AND with a wheel that only want to go in circles was not my best move and I won't be considering it again anytime soon LOL. SO even though it wasn't an FYM workout, it was a mommy workout and I count it as DONE!
P.S. Thought I would also share the poster I saw while shopping and it sums up my day real well. Keep on trekkin' ladies! It can be tough out there =D.
Tags: awareness, children, mom, muscle, priority, sale, shopping, stroller, workout
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