Friday, January 2, 2009

Fit for Function....reflections on my trip to Jamaica

I have returned from my 3-week trip to Jamaica and I really enjoyed the experience. In the first week, I came to realize that even though I wanted to return to Jamaica a lot sooner (last time was 2001), now was the best time to have gone. I was not struggling with my thyroid as I was before which posed a lot of issues and with all the improvements, discoveries and changes to my health and lifestyle, I didn't struggle as I could have.
My belief, faith, and commitment to God was strengthened and enriched as I turned to God and the bible to help me cope with dealing with family, the barrage of advances, the threat of violence and danger, and a lot of sexual focus. It can be overwhelming for some (as it was for a close friend of mine a few years ago), so it is good to have a strong foundation to come from if you venture outside of the resort experience. Also since it was Christmas time, my family and I grew in our knowledge base that surrounds the traditional time of year and were able to make our own choices regarding the celebration (including my children).

Positivity and gratitude helped with dreams, vision, and hope makes every moment more enjoyable. From the flowers, bugs, stray dogs, hens and roosters all over, many trees and plants that are good for food and healing, the breezes, and the views....there was a lot to enjoy if you look at it in the right way.

Both sides of my family live towards the top of the hill (one on the edge of the mountain range and the just beyond the view of the ocean) and being that the roads were not in the best condition after the hurricane season, there was quite the hike involved in going anywhere. 45 degree steep roads were challenging, especially when carrying a bucket of water or a 3 year old toddler. Having been prepared for such tasks through my interval and resistance training made me excited as I was not only able to handle the task,but the hills were my favorite interval high point.

If you are a FIT yummy mummy and are in love with your workout and challenging intervals, than life on the rougher side of things, although not convenient, would still be manageable for a time. Everyday offered some form of physical challenge and I am glad that I prepared for it this year in comparison to the last few years where I was still recovery physically. It was only just over a year ago I regained my level of mobility to walk for a length of time without pain and being that we walked for hours up and down hills and roads, I was again grateful for all the events and training this year have prepared me for.

Although the physical challenge was fun, the diet was a bit wanting for improvement and all based on the fact that I was not able to get to where I needed to get what I wanted (hard to pick fruit of the top of a tree that you can't climb). But being on kitchen duty had me making the most of what was available (how many ways can you cook chicken and rice?).

(looking not so yummy in this pic HAHA).
Lots seen, a lot experienced, and I know, that my lifestyle is to stay fit so that I can function and make the most of my environment no matter where I go.

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