Thursday, February 12, 2009


I'm not sure if it is done successfully or not, but I wonder how people get along well with little to no support. In just over a month it will have been one year since I joined ClubFYM. Before that I struggled with feeling alone and unsupported, looking to share my thoughts and struggles with someone tangible who would listen. Someone who would respond with emotion and concern, and express an interest in who I am as a person.

Without giving away too many details or letting my mind go off on a tangent, I am in need right now. I am feeling weakened and struggling for strength. To maintain sanity, I have put myself into sharing my thoughts and reaching out to others. I have had little sleep for a number of reasons and it leaves me open to feeling can be a good thing as it helps to bring about the necessary change needed, but I am lacking tolerance and focus. I thank you all in advance for your support and encouragement.

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