Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The doughnut you ate was not chewed on by your thighs

I listened to Holly's interview with Scott Colby and I must say, it is fun to here the fun they have on these calls. But something in what Holly shared stood out in my imagination. It was in regards to spot reduction exercise. I know that many people tend to forget that their body is a complete system and see it for it's individual parts instead of as a whole. But the imagery that came to mind was a woman rubbing fat onto her thighs and then the other was of someone stuffing fatty foods under their skin. We don't consume food into the one area of our body. We put the food into our mouths and the "extras" get stored as fat after being circulated through our bodies (it's a generalization, but you get the idea).

Anyone have those cargo pants? With the big pockets? I used to wear these often and would just stuff the pockets full of stuff. Imagine if our body stuffed the extra fat in our eyelids? Or the gums in our mouth? How about our tongue? In our nose? We wouldn't be able to function. The fat gets stored on parts of the body that still allow us to have a range of motion and function as best it can to help us to survive. When we put into our body what it needs to function optimally, then the rewards of what it gives back encourages us not only to survive, but to thrive. With a full body workout program (i.e. FYM) and supportive nutrition habits we can focus on the whole package functioning instead of particular body parts holding on to fat.

Of course this parallels with how we contribute to our own success and in encouraging those around us. Do we focus on the flaws of others or do we encourage them as a whole package? Do we keep working hard at our flaws or decide to work our strengths to help strengthen our weakness and encourage others with what we are strong in? We as individuals are a part of the whole and what may be our "flaws" may be a strength to someone else. As I continue working on keeping my focus directed in a positive and productive way, I hope that by looking at the whole picture I may benefit by encouraging others and others encouraging me =D. Glad to be a part of whole picture here at ClubFYM.

Thank you ladies =D.


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