Friday, November 7, 2008

The DRAMA of taking before photos

Ok, before you leave a comment LOL.....even I have issues with posting the before photos. HAHAH I signed up on Monday or Tuesday to join the Holiday Challenge and I was typing my before stats and goals (and admiring Samaria's beautiful smile) when I realized I had to take before photos. So I was thinking my hubby could take pics again, but since the last ones turned out so well (<== Sarcasm ...=D) I decided to do it myself.....well me and the timer on the camera. This time I decided I would actually put on my face first (thanks for the inspiration Mary) and I tried playing around with alternate outfits which all fit I put back on the same outfit I posed in before. Also, since I took QUITE the time off and had quite the unsupportive party with coming off the ED, Thanksgiving, Birthdays, and Halloween (Ok ok more zucchini spice bread or pumpkin spice cake hahah....oooo and I forgot about the apple crisp.....well maybe just one more apple cranberry crisp LOL),....let's just say I have a lil extra to account for. I finally had the outfit on, the face on and I took the pics and the camera dies HAHAHA. LOL and with the office packed up, I couldn't get the pics off of the thing. SO I had to grab the other camera and try again. And since this other camera had less time to set up I had to take extra shots as I got caught....fixing my shorts, then fixing my hair. It was too funny, but they are up and I am in! Here we go!


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