Wednesday, August 27, 2008

PMS!! - Positive Mindset Statements

It's the week before my monthly "visitor" and I had been craving sugar and been feeling "slumpy". No noticeable bloating or cramping, but the down side of feeling down and doubty and wanting something to "fix" it. Not that I have truly gotten off the sugar addiction I reintroduced while on vacation, but it was extra this week....the craving! I made up my mind that chocolate would not be included in this week and I haven't even bought it from the grocery store after already being there 3 times this week. Instead I realized that I was not as positive, hopeful, faithful, and as loving as I am used to. My positive mindset is my high, and helps me to encourage more positive things into my life. Healthy eating, enjoying my kids and my workouts, and wanting to spend time with and be close to my husband all are connected to my positive thinking. This morning I received an email that provided me with the right kick in the butt, and helped me to regain the joyful edge to my day. It made me realize that worrying about the details and worrying period was sucking the joy out of my living. So today I am making additional statements about myself and to myself and situation to help me to keep the ball and my life moving forward in a positive light.

I AM beautiful and God made me this way!

I love smiling at myself in the mirror and loving who I am!

I am fit and slim and enjoy my body!

I LOVE my thighs and always have. They are strong and keep me moving forward.

I am a loving individual and am very approachable.

I look absolutely fabulous in clothing and will look GREAT naked in no time!

I LOVE LOVE LOVE my nutritious, supportive, and allergy-free cooking (most allergies anyway)!!!!

I love my body and how I am so in tune to it's needs and how it communicates with me.

I am encouraged that my friends look to me for advice and support (and recipes too).

I have a lot of fun with my boys and they love me for it! They also love the "challenges" I give them to do better each day and to look out for their own health and nutritional needs to suit our lifestyle.

I love doing sexy things to encourage my husband and our intimate relationship. He is encouraged to know that I think about him all day long and in almost everything I do.

"I can do everything through him who gives me strength." - Philippians 4:13

I get great confidence from living as healthy, as positive and as successful as I possibly can.

Now there is no amount of chocolate that can do for me what I have done through encouraging and loving myself. No craving is better than the feeling I get from taking care of me all day instead of for the moment. Now I did not go "without" as I did bake a banana bread without any added sugar and even my hubby enjoyed it (I figured bananas have enough of their own to make it work). I know that I do better with some sort of "treat" during this week, but I found a way to make it a time of connection and reflection too. Why not? Better than being all over the place in my thoughts, focus and emotions. I have really learned to embrace change with hope and faith that things will only be better on the other side. It saves me the energy of fighting against this journey called life. I won't fight the flow of where it is I want to go. I may not know exactly how my life will play out, but I know that I will approach it gladly and with my whole heart, because it is mine to live.

Tags: change, mindset, positive


Eye on the prize said...

Comment by Mary Dikeman on August 27, 2008 at 5:06pm
Oh, Elisa! This is a VERY inspiring post! You are very blessed to have that inner quality to pick yourself up and redirect in a positive way! Hooray for you! I truly admire that. I am getting better at it, but some days just don't cooperate! HA!

P.S. "I gotta have more cowbell!" ~SNL (your funny for the day! :-D

Eye on the prize said...

Comment by Elisa on August 27, 2008 at 6:03pm
Delete Comment Hey Mary,
"I put my pants on just like the rest of ya, one leg at a time. Except, once my pants are on, I make gold records."

I think that skit is totally fitting. Thanks for sharing it!