Friday, August 15, 2008

Last day at my in-laws.....what I have learned away from my home

Hello there ladies!!!

This has been quite the trip I must say. Currently posting this via dial-up at my in-laws almost 6am in the morning off their new computer (seems everytime we come out my hubby gets to update their system......maybe they can get high-speed soon hahaha). We have enjoyed fully the company of friends and family over this past 2 weeks and this has been our shortest vacation together (I think we may try to do for longer next time, depending on where we go). We enjoyed hanging out and renting movies, driving all over the place and seeing the sights, a barbeque with the two sides of his family, a housewarming at a BeAUTIFUL home (certainly put things into perspective for us), an all-day excursion to Canada's Wonderland (and jumping on the Behemoth first with the hubby.......I'll remember the experience eventually), and last but not least food.

This trip would be classified as a step back to make 2 steps forward. At this time I would like to thank God for my wonderful allergies (and giving them to my children as well) as a form of protection from the huge amounts of unsupportive food options in the world. WOW~! As my hubby would describe "GROSS!". Amen to NOT being able to ingest gluten. I have no idea of the percentage I ate at and was more in survival mode as preparation was not always possible being that plans were made spontaneously, but it was still pretty good. As well, our friends were not forewarned of our allergies and that turned out to be a blessing. I didn't have to deal with the potential of them not quite getting it right with what to buy and they got to ask questions in regards to what we do eat on a regular basis. We got to eat oatmeal, veggies, salads, yogurt......I got to eat chicken and veggies for breakfast a few times and in all that set an example for others in how we eat, but also that eating healthy and for our dietary concerns is not difficult at all.....quite simple actually. Also I got to plug the club and FYM all over the place being that I was "almost unrecognizable" as described by his family.....(HAHAHA ......I am the ONLY Black woman in the family, so it's kind of a joke, but it was still funny and cute to hear it). The first thing my father-in-law did was slap my belly and say that I lost all the baby fat. It was SO worth the trip out here just for that moment LOL. My MIL took a little time to get use to me again (longer than I expected) and I kept my word about not discussing exercise with her and it went well. My hubby however is SO ready to do the ED and to start exercising, stretching, whatever it takes to get back to and BEYOND the level of health we were ate before we came out. He kept "mentioning" that there was a lot of "crap" available to eat. And again, THAT is worth the whole have my hubby realize and want to make the change as he was again reminded about how he feels when he eats "crap" for food.
So how did me and the boys eat? Well the first weekend we had caribbean food from a favorite restaurant of my friends (it was good food) and then the next day went out to a buffet restaurant.......UGH!!!!......then followed by Nigerian food GALORE! My hubby was full from the buffet, but I was glad I made a little room to try out the food...YUM!! I will definitely make plans for a dinner date with my friend when we get back to Edmonton. Then we reached the countryside and hotdogs and marshmallows over the new fire pit was what was planned for dinner. So I made a trip into town with my sis-in-law and picked out the hotdogs with the least ingredients and that we could eat. I also grabbed sweet potatoes and other veggies to make roasted potatoes to go on the fire. That lasted a few days. After that, it was a blur of dining out and walking with almonds and fruit everywhere. I did bake lemon currant muffins for the family BBQ and "milled" my own fllour of quinoa, red quinoa, amaranth, chia seeds, and flax seeds and used honey, banana and of course, the currants as the sweeteners. I used olive oil instead of butter as called for in the recipe and my family liked it. And this week I made oatmeal raisin cookies with a similar mix and they helped us through the rest of the week. And for Canada's wonderland I bought baby carrots, snap peas, and cheesesticks and brought water, muffins, and almonds and was I EVER grateful. There is nothing that resembles healthy food there except water and juice. DEFINITELY going to send them a letter regarding that. We shared some ice cream with the kids and other than that, me and the kids ate what I brought (hubby had a hotdog and orange juice too).
My workouts were pretty good until this week and I got sick. Today is a workout day and I won't be doing one until I get MIL shuffled some stuff yesterday and dusted and I am all clogged up. I missed Wednesday's workout too, so hopefully I will be good to go when I get back. I have been measuring to check if the crap took any hold on my mid section, but it's been good. I can still fit in the clothing I packed hahah.
So it has been a great trip of encouragement and I am excited and ready for ALL the changes we will be going back to. This trip marked the end of one way of lving and the beginning to the next phase in our lives (son starting school, mvoing, many decisions to make and bag full of goodies). The treadmill is on and we better be ready to run.....our feet land on the road to our new journey in 2 days! See you when I get back!

Tags: family, survival, vacation

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