Friday, August 22, 2008

Sharing a few thoughts about my fat loss.......
I love following a plan that allows me to plug in the numbers and make checks on a list. It takes the guesswork and the excuse out of doing something which is not what I was initially trained in or fully understand. When my focus is somewhere else and my head isn't quite into my workouts and nutrition, I can use the "formula" and get it done!
I seek the knowledge and listen to the advice of professionals.
Not just any professionals, but those who are stimulated and inspired passionately by how the body really works and how the mind really thinks and they go after knowing and learning and growing and improving forever and ever, Amen.
They are in love. They know what it is to love and they share that love and passion to the benefit of all they come across. Walking billboards of success and striving to be the best in every step they take. Forever the student and not afraid to share what they know. They live it simple.....and love it large. They glow and stand out from the crowd and they don't shrink from what they were called to. No room not to be confident.
I love mixin' it up in each and every workout. Always adding the challenge and keeping my body guessing. I like to surprise myself and see the results of it as I walk by the mirror. My body loves the challenge and I love my body. Love to hear and visualize the details of how it works and know that the big things we see so plainly in life reflect in other areas down to the smallest things we don't get to see.
I love the playfulness of intervals and how you can put in the intensity and then slow it down. It's a tease in a good way and keeps a smile on my face every time I do them. It's like competing or racing against yourself and congrats goes to the winner when it's over. Nothing like patting the winner on the back after a good challenge.
I am hyped and intrigued to know that my thoughts supports my goals. That my head and mindset support the results I want to see. I'm not too stuck on how I want to do things or attached to what or how I eat that I can't easily exchange it for something else that will be more beneficial and possibly more enjoyable than what I was doing before. I love knowing that your mindset is a HUGE factor in success and then nutrition in regards to fat loss and health is so vast and impactful and that physical activity in the RIGHT way can yield major results.
So I am going to continue in this hot, passionate, playful and intimate relationship I am having with health and fitness and hope to grow, glow and expand to inspire myself to be the lifelong student and the walking example of a healthy and loving mindset to others. Be SPICY!

Tags: inspired, love, passion

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