Monday, August 18, 2008

Beginning of week and refocus.

No workout for me today. I did my warm up and my bod wasn't with me. I felt off and opted out. I thought I might try, seeing as I have been sick, but didn't want to "wimp out" just because of being "phlegmy". After the day I have had so far though, I know I will prep for my workout on Wednesday.

It has been somewhat difficult coming back into our home with the "not so fresh" air and feel completely drained of energy. But the advantage being that I am no longer alone in my ventures to move forward and to move out. My hubby has been supportive, focused and, involved with the process of us moving to a new home. He is doing well and after being sought after while we were on vacation, he has a new walk and renewed confidence in his ability and no longer sees himself as stuck quite in the way he did before. It is a great start for the exciting and uncertain times ahead of us. But even with is support, I have to decide for myself how badly I want to reach my goals and continue on this journey to becoming a Fitter Yummy Mummy, but also proud of the thoughts, decisions, and choices I make. I want to be fully confident that I represent the lifestyle I have be healthy and fit mentally, emotionally, spiritually AND physically.

As I reach the half way point with the STC, I know I have to kick it up a notch as the vacation was a slight stall in the progress I had been seeing beforehand (maybe a step back, but I gave it A thought and that was enough.....moving on forward =D). My focus has definitely shifted, but it is possible to do it all with the right amounts of focus and balance (not always all at the same time, but maybe in the same week). I would like to maintain my focus on fighting the belly fat while improving on my relationships, and looking for a new home as well as trying to keep within range to the school my son will be attending......oh yeah! Getting my son ready for school! I hope that we will be blessed with a home that is within the busing range for the school I have chosen for my son as he really enjoys his teacher, but health and safety does need to come first.

So what to focus on? Calories in (make sure I am eating regular....protein and produce at each "scheduled" meal). Cut the sugar (kinda sugared it up while on vacation). Manage stress as times of rapid and constant change can be taxing, especially with children. Set priorities and stay positive (again, as my children are very aware of the changes we are experiencing, they have been more difficult and "needy" and I want to make sure I don't lose coritisol, no cortisol). Stop "feeding" the belly fat (keep reading info and stay educated and exposed to the info that will inspire me to remain consistent with my goals). Stay in the loop......after being around emotional, and unbridled eating behaviours, I want to make sure I surround myself with those that support the way that I want to eat as I do know I am affected by who I choose to surround myself with. And "be the change I want to see!" I am going to own it as it is what I want. To have a lean, tight midsection, and enjoy the shape and health that I am in for life.....where what I want becomes my habits and thus my lifestyle. Keep moving forward.

Tags: back, goals, on, refocus, track

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