Thursday, December 11, 2008

Good day everyone!

Just wanted to say hello from sunny Jamaica. The boys are loving it and at my mom's cousin's house they have cable internet....WOOHOO!

Now from an FYM standpoint, things are ok. I have pulled out of the Holiday challenge,but nutrition and fitness is always a part of what I am doing.Did my push ups and pull ups yesterday and of course hiking the day before. Very easy to stay active and it is nice and cool where I have been staying (up in the hills and countryside). Nutrition wise, I packed almonds, dried cranberries, raisins, brown rice, quinoa, corn and flax chips, corn puffs, coconut oil, and rice milk (LOL Almost a whole suitcase for food, and pullups). The best part is that we have allergies and my children help to confirm the rule of no wheat (gluten). They have had it from relatives,and not even 5 minutes later they are going poo.....WOOHOO! Not to prove me right, but to help my family better understand and respect the result of eating what is not good for you. Everyone is unique and Jamaica is the perfect place to show that. I must say though, after going into the grocery stores here it saddens me to see all the JUNK on the shelves. Baked this and sugar that and syrup for "juice" .....'tings too irie for me 'ere'. Laid back and not fully concerned.....which is perfect for a vacation and high-strung individuals. At least the love of education here would be great for a health campaign. And once my supplies run out I will have to search High and Low (LOL a grocery food chain out here is called Hi-Lo Foods) for replacements. Although coconut oil and almonds are exported, I have yet to see it in a shop or grocery yet. There are not a lot of varieties of veggies here and I am really missing them. So much fruit and I am starting to feel like a sugar bomb,....ick! I feel like a mosquito magnet with all this sugar LOL.

Anyways, back to the sun and getting some laundry done. Have a great day ladies.

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